B. Anderson - Tunes World 4/27
Where do we start here…
B. Anderson has quickly established his music and creative abilities within the Dallas scene. This was only further cemented with his recent project the ‘Greenhouse EP.’ The project could almost be described as a movie as it carefully navigates you word for word and verse by verse through a vivid picture; a picture which B. Anderson brilliantly is able to bring to life with help of his friends Jahn Dough, Matt Swagnew and Wolf Taylor.
With the current evolution of music going towards entertainers rather than creators, he demonstrates what a true musician should be; an artist. The guy has some serious talent, if you don’t believe us catch him live at our next Tunes World on April 27th.
TUNES WORLD TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tunes-world-tickets-59465091690?aff=ebdssbeac